兩岸同屬一中,無待美國承認 | 謝芷生




許多人都會問,“台獨思想是怎麼產生的?” 這個問題很難回答,因牽扯到多層因素。但據筆者淺見,認為最明顯的有三個方面。其一,日本的殖民統治。1895年中日甲午戰爭,中國戰敗,被迫簽訂馬關條約,將臺灣割讓日本。當時許多臺胞都捶胸頓足,哭天喊地,不願接受做“亡國奴”及“次等國民”的命運。




台獨分子倚美成性,才會把美國對臺灣的態度看得如此重要。 其實中、美雙方既然改變不了敵對關係,與其相互虛與委蛇,不如把真實關係挑明瞭好,可避免有人心存幻想,放鬆警惕,一旦對方全面攤牌,會造成措手不及的無謂損失。兩岸同屬一個中國,是個事實,美國否認也改變不了什麼,而最後是和統還是武統,跟美國是否承認一中沒有關係,也是美國阻擋不了的。

對「兩岸同屬一中,無待美國承認 | 謝芷生」的一則回應

  1. “筆者雖為臺灣外省人,但自小在臺灣長大,早已視臺灣為家鄉,不覺自己與臺灣本省人有何區別。"

    If you are a so-called “waishengren", then you are by definition, NOT Taiwanese. The only people who can truly, legitimately call themselves Taiwanese are the 100% benshengren TAiwanese and aboriginal people in Taiwan. This is a simple matter of what the word “TAiwanese" means. You may not like it, but every word has its own, plain meaning. The word “TAiwanese", like every other word in any other language, has a core meaning that is not up to your re-definition. You can delude yourself into thinking that TAiwanese is one of your many “identities", but in the end, no real TAiwanese will accept your re-definition, and so you will be “Taiwanese" to no-one but yourself.

    What is so hard about clarifying your identity when people ask? Just say: “I’m an ethnic Chinese person who grew up in Taiwan." What’s complicated about that? I have never wavered when describing myself: Taiwanese, without qualifications, full stop. So, I find it interesting that many waishengren in Taiwan used to always say they’re “Chinese", when being “Taiwanese" wasn’t fashionable, 20-30 years ago. But now that Taiwan has accumulated enough prestige and brand recognition, they now choose to identify as “TAiwanese". The problem is that these people have a self-identity that is fluid and ever-changing. If your identity is ever-shifting, then you have no identity at all. I don’t think you should despair of this situation: many people, if not most people, on earth have no real identity, and I will admit that having or not having a [strong] self-identify is as much an accident of birth, as each person’s courage and clarity of mind in recognizing that words have meaning. I have always felt lucky and proud of being Taiwanese.

    I reject and resist anyone’s attempt to redefine what “TAiwanese" means and what the Taiwanese people encompass. I don’t feel the need to redefine and contort my self-identity, just to accommodate your id, your ego, your vanity.

    Do this thought experiment: what if I, being 100% benshengren, were to declare to the world that I am now also a Shantongren, or a sichuanren? Being Shantongren or being Sichaunren is an identity that, by all accounts, means a great deal to real shantongren and real sichuanren. My simple declaration will not allow me to assume those identities, and will only invite the anger and ire of the real shantongren/sichuanren.
